A Better Way to Browse, Shop,
and Buy

Connecting people with the resources they need to power education

A Better Way to Browse, Shop, and Buy

Connecting people with the resources they need to power education

Simplifying the Path to Purchase

Connecting people to the resources they need to advance education is the priority for institutional procurement. But overcoming challenges such as approval delays, budget overruns, and ad hoc purchasing makes it difficult to support buyers with insights they need to make more sustainable, responsible decisions that align with institutional policies. And, ever-changing regulatory mandates and disconnected systems obstruct the buying process and leave the institution exposed to risk.

Path to Purchase

ESM changes the game when it comes to educational purchasing by delivering a better way to browse, shop, and buy.

With ESM Purchase, institutions can:

  • Make buying hassle-free
  • Uphold the brand reputation
  • Increase transparency and control
  • Integrate finance and spend data
  • Safeguard against risk

Simpler Ways to Buy

ESM Purchase automates buying processes across the institution, enabling you to give buyers the connected, intuitive, consumer-like experiences they expect.

  • Simplify and streamline approvals
  • Eliminate the internal run-around
  • Shop your internal storerooms
  • Easily buy and re-buy using QuickBuy

Brand Safe. Brand Secure.

Encourage people to buy from preferred suppliers who align with the institution’s mission and adhere to the institution’s policies.

  • Ensure ethical buying
  • Make buying hassle-free
  • Promote responsible purchasing practices

Better Visibility. Better Control.

ESM Purchase gives buyers a clear view of budget and order status, so they can purchase confidently, as well as readily track approvals and progress.

  • Increase transparency
  • Promote collaboration
  • Manage internal inventory
  • Improve decision-making

Integrated. Compliant. Secure.

Protect institutional integrity with solutions that are certified as integrated and designed to safeguard against risk, ensure regulatory compliance, and keep your data safe and secure.

  • Connect finance and spend data
  • Surface valuable insights and improve decision-making
  • Promote organizational responsibility with inline budget impact
  • Adhere to security protocols and protect sensitive data
  • Align access rights and permissions with institutional policies
  • Comply with regulatory mandates

Ready to discover a better way to browse, shop, and buy?

Any questions?

 Let’s Connect

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